Monday 22 June 2015

P3210 Heat Transfer Bench with cross Flow Heat Exchanger

A range of experiments in the field of Heat Transfer has been developed for the basic Air Flow Bench to meet the needs of this growing area of study.


  •  Large range of add-on experiments in heat transfer, air flow and aerodynamics.
  • Well instrumented including dual sloping manometer, barometer and pitot static tube.
  • Additional equipment easily and quickly fitted.
  • Enables a series of forced convection heat transfer coefficients to be derived.
  • Data logging outputs of heater current and voltage, surface temperature and air temperature available as an option.
  • To determine the relationship between Nusselts and Reynolds numbers applied to a single heated tube positioned transversely to a stream of air.
  • To determine the effect of change of diameter on the heat transfer coefficient to a single tube in cross flow.
  • To determine the effect of change of position of the heated tube within a cross flow tube bundle.

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